
home at last


06-25-2013, 07:32 PM

Nodding, Angeal listened to Aria's words solemnly. Spaek to the Alpha before leaving. It was simple enough. Though force claiming was met by a blink on Angeal's part, other than that he hardly reacted. "Thank you," Angeal spoke thoughtfully, "It is not something that I plan on doing, but it is something that is always good to know. Angeal nodded slightly, glancing towards Liste. How had she taken his question? Would she think that he was planning to leave already? Because he certainly wasn't.

The ranks he listened to without comment again, ears pricking attentively in the Aria's direction. "I am a passable hunter, I suppose. The male muttered when Liste spoke, shaking his head slightly. It was nothing special. He could fight far better than he could hunt, but that was not something that he was interested in mentioning. If there came a time that he would need to fight, then he would offer his services if there was no other choice. But until then, Angeal intended to do what was best. "But I am far from a healer. I would chose to be a Lunav, perhaps, or just simply an Orbita." A supporter. It was a fitting rank for him. He had been nothing more than a supporter before, to his old companions. Perhaps he could fall into that role again, though with significantly less fighting involved. He would not be breaking up any more battles between his old friends.

The thought made Angeal twitch his tail lightly. He was not going to be able to get any further from his old home than he was right now. Maybe none of that would ever find him again and he could be happy here.
