
Get Ready



6 Years
03-21-2017, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2017, 03:07 PM by Iskra.)
She grinned broadly at Artemis' words. This place was sounding more and more interesting by the minute. Gazing at the mountains Art gestured towards, Iskra made a mental note that she'd try and see them up close at one point, "I'm sure it will impress." she mused, already sure that this land and those residing in it wouldn't fail to keep her amused in one way or another.

Bumping against her sisters' shoulder Iskra chuckled, "I hope not! I suspect if we spend enough time together it won't matter how much you eat, though. You'll be running plenty." It was clear she planned to steal her sibling away at every opportunity. After all, she could get away with dragging Art off on all sorts of adventures if they were looking for family. Who knew, if the pack impressed... Ah, she'd wait and see what they had to offer in this place before she thought too much about it.

The boss man himself didn't keep them waiting for long, only a short wait and he was there. My, my, Atremis hadn't been lying even a bit. Her head reflexively tilted to one side as she soaked in the impressive set of fangs her sisters' leader bore. His height hardly fazed her, but the fangs, those were a far more interesting sight. She supposed the pelt was intriguing in a way, but it was overshadowed by her history of seeing plenty of oddly painted wolves, this was nothing out of the realm of possibility. Slowly a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth in response to his words, though she declined to jump straight into conversation and opted to briefly observe the interaction between Artemis and this eye-catching new character. It was difficult to restrain the small laugh that inevitably freed itself at his smooth yet shameless choice first words.

Pulling the pika towards herself in turn with her sister, Iskra would contest, "Found me? I beg to differ, you were found by me." Her tone was one of feigned indignance, words that were quickly followed by a playful admission, "Luckily, I do have to say, the promise of an interesting pack seems to have been entirely truthful."

Eyeing the alpha with an air of curiosity, the red woman paused. She'd certainly seen nothing like the man before her. Flicking an ear thoughtfully Isk added, "My name's Iskra. Maybe you could tell me a bit bout this pack of yours?"