
Greener Pastures [Abraxas Meeting]



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2017, 09:32 PM

It had been only a few days since the family's last gatherings. It had been discovered that several extended family members had followed the clan to the new region, which certainly was a welcomed development. There were strength in numbers and the Abraxas had both the strength and numbers to overcome most adversaries. The call of the patriarch summoned his family to him and Archon was quick to answer the call. His father only ever required them to be together when there was training or news to be shared; the Prince was ready for either. He still possessed the knowledge of the woman he'd met not too long ago and he wished to share it with his family at their gathering that day.

He moved swiftly and with a purpose, the great beast zeroing in on the source of his father's call. Several figures came into view as he descended upon his family, though none of the figures were that of his sister Lili. He was disappointed that she had not arrived yet, but he was sure she was not too far away. He glanced at the figures if Astaroth and her serpent, still repulsed by her Alliance with the creature. A wary eye was given to his aunt Pyralis, the strangest of the bunch. When compared to his father it was hard to believe that she was even related his sire, they were so vastly different. She was odd and the prince was careful to stay away from her. He wasn't particularly fond of her. Speaking of fondness, a sneer twisted his jowls at the sight of Seth, his pathetic excuse for a cousin. He was the smallest, weakest and by far the most useless. In Archon's opinion he brought shame to the Abraxas family name. He didn't understand what his father allowed the runt to live alongside them. "Father. " he called out in greeting to the God, coming to stand at the man's right hand side as they awaited the arrival of everyone else.

"Talk" "You" Think