
Don't stress, Don't cry!


03-22-2017, 01:04 AM
The days were long, sunny, and beautiful. The Kaliq moved with her head high, romping, a rare show for her. Today was a strange thing, a strange animal. She paces the Dancefloor of the Gods as she often does, looking for... something? Anything? Who and what was around. On the wind she catches Stardust, and one of the children. They were hard to tell apart by scent, but Fortune could usually tell them apart by look. At least the twins were easy-- one male, one female. That made sense.

Stardust howls, and Fortune picks up a light jog to close the gap. Her gaze is gentle, and Kairi shows up before she has a chance to really respond as well. The brave chuckles, watching Kairi as the pup assails the healer with questions. "Easy, Kairi, I'm sure she'll tell us both in a moment," Fortune grins softly, coming to nose her niece about the head and ears. It's an easy gesture, but she really does enjoy children. They make her smile, they're... interesting. Interesting creatures. Always. Her tail wags, a knowing tilt of her head toward the healer. "But yes, what are we looking for?" it's a cheeky chuckle, head tossing with excitement. She's not a healer, but it's a good thing to learn. Fortune is always down to know things.

shock & awe