
This Place Calls to Me [Joining]



5 Years
03-22-2017, 06:45 PM

Dragon seemed as excited as Ankaios was. He regarded the large earthen male with an ever growing interest. Polite attendance was now an inspection of every kind, as he was forced to look at the male in a new light. He was young, sure, but he seemed kind. He had shown backbone with the cat at least, so perhaps he could be firm as well. Of course, more time would be necessary before Kai felt he had given him a proper inspection, but for the moment he had new reservations about trying out the boy's leadership. What did he have to lose, anyways? Dragon went on, delving into the ranks of the Mage title. Ankaios was ambitious by heart, of course. It was hard to grow up in his homeland, where your status and reputation meant everything, and not be concerned with his rank.

He listened with polite intensity, nodding slowly as he did, digesting what was set before him. He was tempted to talk up his skills of course, but the truth of the matter was that Kai was relatively inexperienced with the herbs of Auster, having only recently come to this place. Furthermore, his "formal education" was likely lacking, if compared to most standards. He viewed himself as an intelligent man and an astute learner, but he would rather earn a rank in this man's eyes than be handed one and find himself unable to live up to the challenge. He hummed thoughtfully. "I would rather prove my rank than brag about it," he proclaimed after a moment. "I think Mage will do well enough, for now. And I'd happily give you lessons if you ever have the time or desire to learn." He sent the younger male a wink, chuckling, and wondered just a moment too late if it was too forward. Oh well, there was no taking it back! And besides, his excitement did not seem fit to wane any time soon!

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