
We can light it up!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-23-2017, 11:03 AM

Naamah seemed oddly affect by him today, and while it did not escape the shadowy brute's notice, he did not feel and strong need to comment on this either. Just as her play in the water interested him, he was more the sort to sit back and gather information before making a judgement. What had her in such an unusually light mood? She asked about his family, as he might have expected. His daughter and sister were prone to making impressions, and personally he was just glad to see that none of their 'impressions' so far had led to bloodshed, as was so often the case. He laughed under his breath and his eyes tilted skyward as he tried to recall. Well, he had his five children and three litter mates still in the world of the living. Older siblings and younger siblings he could not count, as his father had been a virile man more concerned with producing Abraxas than ensuring they operated as a family unit. "Many," he said at last. "Five children and three littermates of my own, and then many others."

His thoughts wandered to Adramalech and Anamalech, and his sister's pup. He knew that bit of family was in Boreas, or at least had been the last he'd seen of them, though they had not been in contact since his ill-fated meeting with the little brat a few weeks back. As for the others? Who knew. She drew him out of these thoughts with a mention of fate, and the idea that this concept might have led to their friendship. Friendship. The word rankled him, as he had no need or use for friends, but Naamah voice it with such an inflection that made him wonder if perhaps she did not view the concept in a similar way. "I prefer to think that we choose our own path," he said in a low, thoughtful voice. He could not reconcile his path being laid before him, he with no choice but to walk. Who would control it? The gods who damned him here? He envisioned himself being led in endless circles. He chuckled again, though this was dry and bore a malicious edge. "Or rather, I am determined to forge my own. I, nor any of my kin, will be led about like slaves."

He paused to take a breath, but it struck him that Naamah might take it as a refusal of 'friendship,' and while he denied the concept in it's traditional sense, the calm familiarity the two of them now had was... pleasant. He looked at her again and in a calmer voice said, "I walked to you because I wanted to, and for no reason but that." He felt as though he had a good understanding of the woman now, or at least that he had sense enough of her that he could approve of her presence in his small circle of associates. Pyre seemed to approve of the woman as well, as much as his sister was capable of doing. As always, in the back of his mind, he thought of the future. She was strong and capable, and had shown intelligence thus far. Yes, this was not the sort of female he would oust from his life without a second thought. He would bide his time, and see where things went in the in-between.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!