



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-23-2017, 09:18 PM

The young prince had never thought about taking a mate or finding someone to whelp his pups. Amon had talked to his brood about someday passing on their genes, only to those who were worthy to carry on the Abraxas name of course, but it was something that was far off. Archon's life, since puphood even while his mother was still in the picture, had consisted of training and their father drilling his ideals into their little heads. The boy had taken to his father's words like a fish in water, absorbing everything he was told and taking it to heart; almost of course. Trainings, lessons, spars, killings were the things that preoccupied his days. He had no room to concern himself with anything else, much less females. The only females he concerned himself were his sisters, specifically Lili since she was his favorite and he would go to hell and back for her. She was the most important woman in his life and he couldn't really see any other taking her place.

But as of late, the thought of reproducing had begun to take hold of his mind. His father was putting his plan in motion for their clan to take over these lands and the prince knew that once a territory was established, continuing the line would soon follow. Was he ready for that? Of course he was; he was ready for whatever his father asked of him. Did he want to? Of that he wasn't sure. Siring pups sounded like it would distract from their actual purpose of reclaiming the earth from the pathetic mortals so that they may one day return to their true home. But if Amon wanted them to have children, Archon would not be one to disobey. Speaking of their purpose, Archon had one that night. He was out scouting the far south lands in an attempt to find suitable places to claim as their own. The location he'd currently happened upon wasn't among his first choices to stake claim on, but the rocky terrain still could serve a purpose as a training ground.

So far he hadn't come across any other wolves, which led him to believe that the territory was uninhabited and ripe for the taking. His massive form moved silently through the boulders, weaving through them like a shadow in the night. Onyx nostrils would flare, the scent of another wolf catching his attention. Hackles would bristle along his powerful shoulders as he moved in the direction of the scent, annoyance flooding his system when he discovered that she was not alone. The smell of feline registered with the great beast, deja vu hitting him. Was this wolf mimicking his sister Astaroth in the way that she kept the serpent as her companion? It was an odd thing and he found himself already disliking this wolf. His bright turquoise eyes fell across the figure of the offending wolf lying among the rocks. He circled her, his stance menacing as he towered over her. "You really shouldn't be out here alone. You never know what kind of strangers you could run into." he rumbled,
his deep baritones ringing in the cool air around them.

"Talk" "You" Think