
I Ain't Saying She's a GEM digger but...



4 Years
03-23-2017, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2017, 06:17 PM by Naudir.)
black flowers blossom fearless on my breath

Hello!  So the lunarcat7 is planning on bringing in 3 new characters and they require gems! I know, I know, I have a problem... shhhhh ;D  Anyway I'm thinking of offering some of my skill sets to see if anyone thinks they're worth paying gems for!


So, like in the example above I am polishing up my drawing skills.  I do mostly portraits but I am down to try full-bodied poses.  I can do cats, birds, and people so if you have non-wolf chars or human characters feel free to throw them at me.  Note my style of drawing humans is closer to real-life than an anime style.  I haven't drawn anime in like a decade so I'm not sure you want me to try it now  xD

These are mostly black and white and will be scanned in and sent as a digital image.  I probably won't be mailing any of these.  In addition to black and white ink I am down to try watercolor like seen in Dómari's table.

I don't find people or other animals harder than wolves so everything is priced the same across the board.

Portrait: 100 gems
Full Body: 300 gems

Jewelry/Accessories: +20 each
Companion: +50 each
Additional Elements (flowers, trees, clouds, art nouveau-esque crescent, etc.): +40 each group
Upgrade to Watercolor: +400

*note that I need a reference for any characters you want me to do and gems won't be refundable however please know I will do my absolute best to get you what you want.

As a random note... I am also down to try drawing people's wolves as well... people xD I realize this is dangerous but if you're open to my artistic interpretation I am all for experimenting.

[b]Character:[/b] Name
[b]Profile:[/b] Link to profile, or else you can post with them
[b]Base: [/b]
[b]Notes:[/b] Mood, expression, pose, etc.  Any notes or additional information you'd like me to know.

Other ink examples:

Lynx note this was before I got a scanner...
Human…kind of  I was going through a phase of being very interesting in musculature so… -cough- anywho  xD

I think I'll start there for now.  I also am a coder so if there is an interest in paying for coded tables or profiles let me know.  This is kind of where I'm thinking of starting.

Simple tables - basic styled image and text area (20 gems)
Moderabe tables - things like diagonal cuts, overlays, multiple images (45 gems)
Advanced tables - things involving css animation, on-hover actions (90 gems)
Profiles - (125 gems)

I can code either pre-existing work or I can use landscape photos, etc. that I find just let me know what you're looking for.  Colors, typeface preferences, etc.  Note that there may need to be some coordination between us.  Browsers will read code differently so what may be working for me might not be working for you (stabs Internet explorer) so if its not working right let me know, I have no problem making adjustments.

[b]Character:[/b] Name (who am I coding this for?)
[b]Profile:[/b] Link to profile, or else you can post with them
[b]Table or Profile?: [/b]  If table, what kind
[b]Notes:[/b] Link me the images you'd like to use or if you'd like me to find something let me know what.  Colors, notes, effects, etc.  If you want to me to just take my creative freedom and surprise you let me know!

I'll work on getting examples uploaded to this.  For now here's a few:

Basic table  
Basic table with bars (could be one or two)
Table with diagonal cuts
Table with overlay
Profile I can get fancier than what is shown here.  This one is pretty straightforward but it keeps everything pretty easy to edit.
I don't have any advanced tables with css animations but I will see if I can get something made in the next week or so.

Anywho that's where I'm at!  Anyone want to help a gal out?

Working Queue:


Payment Pending:
