
here comes the sun



8 Years
03-24-2017, 03:33 PM

Summer was her new favorite season.

It used to be spring, when she was a pup. She loved the mild weather and the smell of blossoming flowers. But spring stopped being her favorite season when it started being her season. Being a woman was hard enough without the unruly hormones, after all. But summer. Summer was fantastic. It could get a little too hot and dry at times, especially in the west, but Solveiga had come to love it regardless. The sun was like a constant companion, and summer brought with it more thriving plants and their delicious fruit. After coming back to Celestial, she'd been pleased to discover a little blackberry bush not far from the caves in which she slept. Today was another warm and wonderful summer day, and the little woman intended to make the most of it.

She trotted at an easy pace toward the plains, a waxy leaf full of blackberries held gently between her teeth. It was something of a picnic that she had planned for herself. The sun was out and shining away, and Solveiga thought it'd be nice to soak up some of that sunshine while enjoying one of her favorite kinds of berries. Of course, her real favorites were strawberries. But she hadn't been lucky enough to find a patch of them yet this season. Maybe today she could go on a strawberry hunt. But first, she was going to enjoy her picnic.

Solveiga found a nice spot in the sun and laid her bundle of berries down. After a nice little stretch, she laid herself down beside them and leaned down to coax one into her mouth. Her goal would be to make as little of a mess as possible. She knew from experience how easily her soft, sandy fur could get stained. But she tried not to care too much. Today was for relaxing, and enjoying the warmth of summer while it lasted.

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