
A foreign wanderer


03-24-2017, 07:44 PM

The boy had taken to wandering a lot more lately, excited by the new prospect of being able to explore the vast world. Besides, being at home was getting a little hard. He loved his pack and his family, but it was weighing down on him just how quiet everyone was. He was tired of feeling down and somber, his little meeting with Derecho had brought him a new sense of energy again. Plus he was only a year old! No sense in being sad all the time and wasting his life away. His parents seemed to be sad all the time, and it made them look really... old. It was a sobering thing to see, so he skipped out of the territory when he could. Today he wandered into the thick cloud of smoke, too large for even this type of heat to burn off. It was a welcoming breath of fresh air, the sun was far too hot on his triangle marked back. Squinting his yellow and blue eyes, he did his best to watch where his paws were going so he wouldn't step on anything, or trip on something. Carefully picking his way over the terrain, his tail gave a few quick wags of excitement. Even though it wasn't the most entertaining place he had been so far, it was still something new! Fable was making a contentious choice to try to look at the good things in life, trying to figure himself out as he grew from a child into a man.

So focused on his overgrown paws, he had no idea that there was someone in front of him until brown legs came into view. The tall wolf dug in his claws and halted abruptly, his head whipping up with a gasp. Lo and behold there was a stranger standing there, shorter than he was but a bit closer in height than most. Blinking, a sheepish smile grew on his black lips as he quickly took a few steps back to give the other wolf some more breathing room. He had almost run right into a stranger! How embarrassing would that have been? "Sorry about that! I was looking at my paws too hard," he said softly, a carefree laugh leaving his maw. "I'm Fable Ancora, nice to meet you!" His tail bounced between his hocks as he smiled at the stranger, glad that he was able to meet new wolves now that he was out and about.