
The Abraxas Brood



7 Years
Extra large
03-24-2017, 10:57 PM
Name: Razi Abraxas
Gender: Female
Design: Link!
Torn - Razi deeply cares for her family, but she also has trouble allowing herself to commit her whole heart to them. Events long past leave her struggling to feel she is where she needs to be, struggling to allow herself to connect with others in any meaningful way though she does wish she'd overcome this.

Thick-skinned - Hardly one to be bothered by what anyone says about her, you may as well insult a rock as it will likely give equal reaction. She had no time for petty behavior and worrying about what someone said about her. Now, if one to insult someone she cares for that would be an entirely different matter.

Composed - Reactive would be the opposite of Razi. Few things ruffle her feathers or get a rise out of her. There's no point. Becoming flustered puts one at a disadvantage. Being sensible is far more valuable than becoming unhinged at every minorly upsetting thing.

Intelligent - Learning is an obsession for her. She wants to see and learn anything and everything she can, from gathering and crafting things to healing and poisons. Poisons in particular fascinate her, she often tests new and interesting mixtures of deadly plants on unsuspecting wolves to see what happens and if the symptoms of both will show up. Conversations involving herbs and other useful knowledge will almost never be turned down. Her hunger for knowing more has lead to her being a very smart and calculating individual.

Proud - Perhaps she comes off as a bit aloof, her head held high no matter what transpires. If anyone thinks highly of themselves it would be this woman. Even Razi cannot help but have a sort of haughtiness about her, knowing she is descended from something amazing and powerful, though she is hardly the worst offender when it comes to this quality, especially among her kin.

Healer - It's in her blood, tainted by her mortal half, a near goodness in her that was quickly turned around to be made useful to the family. More compulsion than genuine nurturing, the dark and light creature finds herself drawn to the ailing and injured, needing to fix what is broken as soon as she lays eyes on it. She is protective of her patients as a mother over offspring, a trait amplified when family is the one laying ill in her den.

Patient - To rush is to invite failure, it is far better to be calm and wait for opportunities to present themselves than to dash into a situation without getting ones bearings first. Unrivaled in her ability to wait for things to be just right, Razi can wait longer than most when she's set her sights on something.

Determined - Once a goal has been set she will reach it or die trying, it's that simple. In spars she displays ferocity usually seen in real battle, rarely holding back for she is always determined to win. Meeting a healer more skilled than herself is the reason she still pursues this interest. The day she found someone better at it than herself she decided to surpass them and hasn't stopped learning since, firmly set on learning as much as one wolf is able to in order to reach a goal set so long ago. On occasion her determination can become more stubbornness. Forget talking this girl out of anything, once it's decided, that's that.

Opinionated - No matter the issue, she has something to say about it. Whether or not her thoughts will see the light of day is debatable, but she's been known to mutter to herself or even chatter with patients who are stuck in her den with whatever ailment. Every decision another wolf makes will be watched and she will try and determine if they're a fool for it or not. Those who she decides make well informed choices will be praised, even if only in her mind.

Snarky - While not bothered by attempts at causing her offense, she's more than happy to engage in rapid-fire exchanges when it suits her to. Rude or condescending comments are her specialty. When you got a good comeback, it'd be a shame to let it go to waste. The only time she reigns in her sharp tongue is around older family members. Anyone else is fair game to subject to her attitude.
(more to be added when I figure her out more)

Plans: Since I plan for her to be one of the youngest siblings of Amon and the others, I'd love to see how she interacts with her siblings, and other relatives for a number of reasons. I also want to do a lot of healer things with her, claim all dem skill points and have her learn all kinds of herbs and things. Also I just want to see her character develop and take on more depth through her interactions. I think she has the potential to be pretty interesting and I'm excited to see where she goes, how far she'll go for the abraxas bunch, and if her past will eventually start to effect her more in the future.

RP Sample: Quiet, stealthy, she sank low to the ground, moving only a few steps at a time before pausing just to make sure she wasn't heard. Dark coat color paired with copper accents made for surprisingly good camouflage in the early morning hours when things weren't terribly bright but patches of sunlight littered the ground here and there. Silently she'd sneak up on her target, certain she'd arrive unnoticed. Just a few more feet before...

Razi sprang, leaping onto the unsuspecting wolf who cried out with a start. The poor girl, just a year or so older than Razi, hardly had time to get a word in edgewise before she was assaulted with questions far more viciously than the physical attack that had just taken place, "Who are you? You're a healer right? What are you looking for? How many herbs do you know? Teach me them!" the serious ember-marked pup demanded.

The wind tussled her lengthy fur, pulling it this way and that as if in an attempt to lead her somewhere. Razi could only be bothered to flick an ear, too busy with her work to make time for musing about things like the elements and their odd ways. Golden brow spots knit together in a frown; what was this thing? Eyeing the leaves and taking deep breaths hoping the smell would unlock the mystery, the dark and light woman continued studying the plant growing before her. She made mental notes of its features, the way it smelled, where it grew and anything else of even vague importance. As soon as she found someone in these lands who knew the local flora in depth she would pry some answers out of them, one way or another.

Ever since she met that older wolf, the one who seemed to know a billion more things about so very many more plants than she, Razi had been focused on surpassing her. Raising her head to look around at the rock-littered slops she stood on, she decided it was time to move on. One didn't achieve their goals by standing idle, now did they? Just like that she was off, scaling the hilly terrain in a vaguely southward direction, seeking knowledge and eventually her family if she were lucky. Her pursuit of information had distracted her so now there was no time left to lag behind any farther lest she found herself permanently alone.