


03-25-2017, 12:23 AM
There's a stately respect that hangs in the air between Fortune and Faite. Cousins, sure, but sisters. Sisters in heart. They stand easily together, able to command the attention of a group, big or small. Faite, of course, was better with people. Fortune was better with strategy, with hard facts, with concrete behavior. Prey animals were easy, they had their mentality and limited intelligence. Dealing with others? That was so much harder. As if to cement her sentiment, Ritsy flits off. Fortune sighs lightly, turning back to Faite and Rin.

She tries not to let her eyes rest on the man for too long, tries not to be wrapped up in him. Strange, sure, but... hm. A weird feeling, maybe. The brave isn't going to give that much heed right now. There was no reason for her to. There was business at hand. He speaks, and the wolfish grin that's fairly typical falls over her face, crashes over her body. It's charming. She has her father's charm. "Sounds good to me."

Her eyes flit to Faite's face, grin not wavering. "I can act as a second barrier so he doesn't get too far away from us, and then you want to ambush him from the front? Shouldn't be too hard, I wouldn't say any of us are small." Her tail wags, head high. There's something springy in her, something bright. Fortune is more than happy to take them along on her grand adventure. They would take a buck and they would eat like kings. Her tail wags, eyes bright. "Ready?"

If there were no objections, Fortune would lead them on to where the herds had taken their respite, sighting out an older buck and nodding to Rin. They were ready.

shock & awe