
fated to pretend



9 Years
03-25-2017, 05:18 PM

The wolfess is wagging her tail, and he is curious as to why. Though perhaps he's trying to interpret it too much, thinking about it too much. It's been a long time since he wagged his own, and he forgets what that sort of thing feels like. Maybe some day..."Would you like to accompany me?" His eyes widened a bit, caught off guard by the question. It was a simple one, but unexpected. She...wants me to accompany her? Why? It wasn't a bad question that he was asking himself. He was just...very surprised. He's so surprised by the question (probably more than he should be) that he forgets to respond for a moment. He stares at almost dumbfounded, forgetting how to talk. Could he be anymore obvious? Probably. "Ah,y-yeah. Sure..." Finally he found his voice, but perhaps that wasn't the best way to answer...

"Er, I mean yes! I-I'd love to!" He gave a faint lopsided smile, shy and foreign to him. To feel...happy or wanted in any was foreign to him. He wasn't used to it. He was about to ask what her plans were for today. Maybe she needed help with something? Or...maybe she just wanted to get to know him as a fellow pack mate? When he opened his mouth to ask, she answered the questions that he thought. Pit traps? He tilted his head a bit, tail starting to wag a little. He had never heard of using such a tactic against prey before, and it sounded amusing among other things. "Pit traps? It...sounds interesting. I've never heard of using such a trick on prey're...certainly smart and full of surprises, if I might add." He recalled the hunt they had recently, and the way she took charge of that. She was pretty smart, he had to admit.



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