
Good day for death to strike



06-25-2013, 10:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Dark brown eyes roaming over the little faces present, Mercianne smiled from her curled up position beside the interior wall of the cave, lying upon her side with her head resting next to an outstretched paw. Things were calm on this day after many an exciting ones, though not the pleasant sort of exciting that left much laughter and good tales. No, these past exciting days had been dangerous and severe, weakening the sense of security and trust that the Glaciem could offer visitors to their border. And all because of a couple unstable, mentally-ill wolves who had death on their minds.

It was part of the reason the little creamy white wolf was here. She knew Ithurial was "in charge" but her protective side, wishing to do more for those who she had grown to view as family, she thought to stay behind with her and keep an eye on them all, an adult figure among the youngsters. So timid and gentle, she was hardly a very intimidating authority figure, but she enjoyed being able to watch them and was entertained by their antics. They were so carefree and exuberant, oblivious to the real dangers that lurked outside of the cave they sat in. Their innocence renewed her faith that sometime the rest of them could feel as safe, could continue about their lives in very much the same inattention to the dangers. All it would take was time.

The multi-hued young she-wolf at the mouth of the cave rose and turned as if to leave, and automatically concerned Merci lifted her head to watch. Ithurial was already a year old, fairly old enough to wander on her own, but with her task set within this cave she hardly thought it wise for the younger she-wolf to go far with pups in the cave. She craned her neck gently to stare outward and follow the young wolf's movements, watching as she dug at the snow and brought it closer to the cave before leaping into it and sending fragile flakes of snow flying. The playful gesture brought a warm smile to the training healer's face and allowed her to relax. She hadn't intended to leave. She was merely enjoying her own game.

Not wishing to spoil her fun, Mercianne sighed and lowered her head to the floor of the cave again, letting her attention drift from the young caretaker to her even younger charges.