
Hey You


03-26-2017, 10:54 AM
The man listened as his companion relayed the news. Asha… that wasn’t too bad, though hearing that he’d also run into Caelum had Félicien bristling. “Caelum?” He asked, a slight edge of cool anger ever so lightly coating his words. The woman held much of the blame for Zephyr’s pain… the loss of his children. Féli flicked his ears back, silvery-gray gaze slowly closing as he took a deep breath in and then exhaled.

“You guess she’s still alive… so you didn’t put an end to her yourself?” Félicien decided to look upon Zephyr then, trying to read his expression. There was still more to this yet, more than what the man knew. He furrowed his brow and was silent for a moment before he looked back towards the river, flipping his ears forward once more.

“Did you change your mind about what you want to do regarding her, Zeph?” The man asked, his voice becoming level once more. “If you need another paw to take care of her you know you only need to ask.” He was talking business now, his voice holding a serious note now. “Though it’s up to you what you wish to do with her…”