
The Beast Inside



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-26-2017, 02:49 PM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2017, 02:51 PM by Avalon.)

Her children arrived first, all greeting her and she smiled, tail wagging as she greeted them. "Hello dears, it's nice to see you all. I hope you're as excited about this as I am!" She laughed a bit before the others came filing in.
They all came. All except for Cobalt and Sterling. Sterling she understood, she had caught an illness along with her mother, Esarosa. But where had Cobalt gone off to? She hadn't seen nor scented the boy around the pack for sometime, and she was worried about that. Before she could think more on it, Steel arrived followed by his daughter, Jade. She smiled at them, nodding her head to the male in greeting. She didn't miss Valor and Fable, Creed's two sons had decided to join them during their visit to Talis, and she waved her tail in greeting. "Welcome Valor, Fable. Glad you could join us! You're welcome to come closer if you want, we're going to be doing fight training today!" She was glad they had come, it was refreshing to see some new faces and even more so to know that Creed had a family. Or at least, children. They were both getting up there in age, Creed a year older than her but it was nice to see he was doing the best he could with such fine young men.

When she noted that no more would be arriving, she stood and shook out her pelt. Tanaraq watching from the tree above with keen interest. "Thank you for coming! Today, we're going to be practicing and honing our battle skills. Now whether or not you're interested in learning how to fight, it is a crucial skill you need to know so you can better protect yourself. We've gone over basics before, and I think that today we will be doing rather than listening and simply talking about it. I'm going to pair you off, and each pair is going to spar. But before I do, let me go over the basics as a refresher. First off, you want to be able to protect yourself as best as you can. It's not always best to remain on the offensive. Sometimes defensive actions can make or break a fight just as much as attacking. Remember, keep your ears pinned and eyes narrowed so that your opponent has a difficult time trying to grab at your ears, or messing with your sight. Rolling your shoulders forward and bunching your scruff can also help in protecting your neck; one of he most vulnerable parts on our bodies. Tucking your chin also helps protect your vital points. Our other vulnerable part is our stomach, and for the men, well...I'm sure you know. Tucking your tail will help you remain intact." She chuckled a little at that part, though she hoped they knew that already. "Having your weight centered and evenly distributed is also crucial to keeping your balance so you don't get knocked over, or knocked back. However, keep in mind that it is not always possible to remain evenly grounded. Depending on your or your opponents position during a fight, you will have to figure out ways how to keep your balance, such as when you are on your hind paws, or if you have three paws on the ground, you have to work around things like that so as not to compromise your balance. If your opponent manages to unbalance you, or knock you on your back, then that alone can sometimes have devastating results...and we don't want that. One thing that works well, is to always try and keep your legs shoulder and hip width apart. As well as toes spread and claws in the dirt. That will aid you greatly in keeping balance and traction, thus making it more difficult for someone to knock you down."

She fell silent for a moment, amber gaze moving over the gathered as she tried to determine who would be paired up. There seemed to be an uneven number of them, but she would make it work. "Since there are an uneven number of participants, this is what we're going to do. I will pair us up, and whoever is left out can choose to either participate in a melee spar, where there will be three participants, or they can spar someone one on one after that spar has finished. So, let's get to it then, shall we?" She looked at them, thoughtful as names and faces came through her mind. "Steel, you and I will be sparring together. Next, is Jade and Valor. Okami and Fable. Afrit and Arke. That leaves Greed without a partner, so you can either participate in a melee or a solo spar. Is anyone interested in trying out a melee spar?" If nobody was, then she'd have to pair him with someone after they finished their spars.

OOC//SO sorry for taking so long in replying! If anyone is interested in a melee spar, respond here. Otherwise, you can start separate threads for your spars or you can just do them in this thread. Please have them finished by April 9th! That's TWO weeks, I know you guys can do this <3 Minimum 2 rounds, but you can have more if you want as long as they're finished by the deadline please <3 let's try to have a completed fight training~

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!