



8 Years
03-27-2017, 02:29 PM
Searching for herbs on the Dancefloor was much easier than she would have initially imagined, they were almost everywhere. Star was happy, content even, she now had everything she needed. There were wolves to care for, Frost had joined the pack, but there was one thing that had clouded her happiness for now. Ritsy, that horrible scene plagued her. Today she was out by the borderline searching for something that would help her sleep and would stave off dreaming. Her mind had come up with all sorts of frightening and terrible scenes, a subconscious attempt to piece together the grisly remains at the river and what had happened to the owner. So far her search had yielded nothing other than some very useful pain relievers. It wasn't long before she caught the scent of someone unfamiliar ahead on her path.

Could there be another wolf seeking a home? Star wasn't in a position of authority high enough to allow her to accept the poor creature, but she could definitely keep them company until Faite or Fortune arrived! With a happy spring to her graceful steps, Stardust began a trot to catch up with whoever was trailing along the borders of her home. When she caught up, she stopped and stared wide-eyed at the big wolf. "Hi!" She called out, her gypsy upbringing not really giving her any sort of tact in these situations, but she continued her walk toward him. She kept a safe distance, keeping to her side of the boundary, seeing the male's large fangs and even larger body. "Welcome to Lirim! Faite should be along any time now, so I will keep you company until she can get to us. My name is Stardust, but you can simply call me Star." Her voice was bright and airy, tones sweet and even delicate as she spoke with him. "What brings you to us? The alpha may ask the same when you get here too, but I am always curious and like to talk, pretty sure you could tell that by now." She was peppy and upbeat, and often her bright attitude made it difficult for wolves not to talk to her. Maybe that would hold true this time.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!