
You Feel Like Home



8 Years
03-27-2017, 08:01 PM

Well, he wasn't laughing at her. That was a good sign. But deep down, Solveiga knew he never would have laughed at her. All she was saying was that she had missed him and wanted to spend some more time with him. That wasn't so bad, was it?

Apparently not. As it turned out, Regulus felt the same way. The little healer watched with a rapidly thumping heart as those sapphire eyes turned unexpectedly warm. It was enough to make her insides twist in a not unpleasant way. She hadn't the slightest clue where these strange feelings were coming from. But she knew that it made her incredibly happy to hear Regulus so enthusiastic about the two of them spending time together. He suggested gathering herbs together, or even just walking. Or sitting. That made her giggle again, and her tail swung wildly behind her as he pressed his nose to her cheek.

"Good," Solveiga said brightly. "I'm glad."

Of course, the alpha also suggested some fighting lessons, and a spar or two. Solveiga still didn't exactly love the idea of fighting, but she had worked on getting herself physically stronger in her time away. She might even manage to impress the alpha with her improvement. It was worth a shot, she supposed. "I'm free whenever you are. Name the time and place." Her voice was playfully challenging and she had a grin that matched his.

"It was amazing," she admitted. "It feels like I must have traveled everywhere, though I'm sure there's plenty I still haven't seen." The woman sank down onto her own haunches, to relax and tell the man her stories. "I went east as far as that great river that divides the land, and of course I stopped at the Fern Gulley to gather some herbs. No matter the season, that place always seems to be overflowing with life. But anyway, I crossed the river and made it all the way to Mount Volkan, and the beautiful caverns there. It was amazing, all of the mineral deposits, and some of the walls had the most gorgeous crystals embedded in them! I wished I had been able to remove one, and bring it home with me." Solveiga stopped for a moment to laugh, just enjoying the memory.

"Then, I decided I'd seen enough of the area and turned back in the direction I'd come, to see what else I could find. And that's when I was near the battlefield, and heard the call to challenge for Celestial. So, as you know, I took a detour and came to watch you fight." And she had not been disappointed. Seeing Regulus fight so skillfully was something she wouldn't soon forget. "And after that, I went south again. I took the land bridge to that newly discovered continent, stayed there and explored for a few days, but then I started really missing home."

"So, I came home. And here I am," she said, smiling softly up at Regulus. She was glad to be back.

"Talk" "You" Think