
I got you babe



4 Years
03-28-2017, 03:23 PM
As she searched the depths of those hellfire eyes, the sound of his excitement rumbled through her and she could almost feel the flames of Hell licking at her spine. His eyes promised sweet violence if she didn't do as commanded, just as her own made promises of vicious submission. She would not allow him to walk away from her unscathed, if he wished to have her, she would have him. There was a deep want to make him submit beneath her as well, but she held on to it for now, storing the feeling and allowing it to grow within her. They still had a deal, even if things had gotten more than complicated between them, even if the exact terms of that deal had been lost to her.

She kept still in his strengthening grip, only the involuntary reactions that stemmed from his fiery touch rose to the surface. Her head raised and tilted slightly, a deep and pleased growl escaped her as she felt his fangs penetrate her skin. He marked her, tasted her life-force, then released her from the throbbing heat of her wound. There was a whimper of loss as his fangs retreated from her flesh, but she could feel the hot trails of blood that rolled down her neck, and that meant that he would be touching her again soon. Fangs were replaced by the tender velvet of his tongue, while the wound sent stinging signals up to her brain when he touched upon it, her body reacted as if it was the greatest pleasure. Her frame tilted to the side as she lost herself in the delicious fire that was brought to life by his ministrations. Dusty rose eyes watched his face as he made his way to her throat, his lips peeling back and exposing rubied ivories to her, showing her life on his fangs.

Unbidden, her tail waved slowly behind her as her excitement grew, the sight of her blood falling from his lips causing her own silvery curtains to rise and show her stainless fangs. He withdrew then, his paw pressing at her abdomen in an attempt to make her rise. She did not obey immediately, but there was a nip on the base of her tail that told her punishment would come in a far harsher form than he seemed to have planned for her. Smirking, Vianni half listened, raising her front half and sitting with her back pressed firmly against his chest. With his body over hers like this she could feel his heart beating against her spine, and an odd heat began to fill her. It crept up from the pit of her stomach to rapidly fill her entire body, her blood heating to what felt like a near boiling temperature. There was a slight change to her scent, one that said he had triggered something within her. But, it was summer. She wasn't due for a change until winter.

Suddenly, her demeanor changes and she narrows her eyes on Lucifer. There would be no backing away from this game he started, but she wouldn't let it go too far. She wasn't that far gone, but she knew the time would come when she would be unable to hold him off. Vianni could only hope the slight change in her scent wouldn't send him over the edge. She would have to fight him, and that could cause a rip in their tenuous peace.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.