
Strike the Steel, See the Sparks [PYRE]



5 Years
03-29-2017, 07:00 PM

Ankaios had fallen in love with Auster. He had spent many a day since joining up with Talis exploring the territories which surrounded it. Perhaps he ought to have been getting to know his new packmates, but he wasn't sure what use he would be as a healer if he didn't have any herbs or resources to offer them. He had been moving as quickly as possible in an effort to get himself settled and stock his newly constructed den, and today's ventures found him in a tranquil cedar forest. The air smelled crisp and clean, and his pawsteps were nigh silent, muffled by the needles which made up the forest floor. He had ventured away from the babbling stream which was the landscapes most notable feature in the hopes of finding a very specific plant.

Trillium was most useful in spring and summer, but he hoped it's withered winter husk might offer at least a shadow of the plant's full benefit. He had amassed several other herbs, but he had little to aid those who might find themselves on the wrong end of a skirmish, wounded and festered. His nose was pressed into the wind, seeking the telltale sweet, earthy scent. Unfortunately it was rather difficult among the pungeant conifers, and he turned instead to what he knew of the plant. He needed moist, rich soil. Too close to the water's edge would drown them, too far would not allow them to grow. It would likely be a long day and with little reward, but he pressed on all the same. Kai was utterly lost in his thoughts as he went, and paying little heed to his surroundings. Who could blame him? It was rare enough to encounter another wolf in Auster.... Though he had come across a pile or two of bear scat. Well, maybe he ought to pay attention after all.

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