
We can light it up!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-29-2017, 08:11 PM

Naamah seemed accepting, if vaguely amused, by his short rant. It rankled the behemoth, but he forced the emotion down. Some reasonable portion of his mind insisted that the woman would be of use. To say that he had not considered her as a future broodmother would be a flat out lie, even if he had not given the notion serious consideration... yet. Naamah seemed fit to press the issue. "What makes you walk to me," she asked. He hummed, a habit which belied a convoluted train of thought. He had no great urge to make his public his machinations, but she was a quick witted woman and he knew he shouldn't be surprised that she had honed in on a present, if under developed, intent.

He cocked a brow. "To be frank, I find you tolerable. I do not make a habit of sullying myself with the company of most natives of these lands. Their presence is irritating at best, and enraging more often than not." He paused, unable to restrain a derisive sniff. The very idea... Amon forced himself back on track. Had the time come to begin pressing his case? He did not pay much heed to the line between honesty and honest manipulation. If sweet words would see him to his goal, well... "I admire your strength and wit, something sorely lacking in most. It is obvious you have a noble lineage, and why should I endure the company of lesser creatures when I could wile the days away with you instead?" It seemed obvious enough, and nothing he said was necessarily a lie. He simply voiced his thoughts, where instead they might have remained hidden away. Yes, he decided at last. She would bear healthy, strong pups. There is no harm in the attempt, he mused to himself, wondering how she might take the praise.

He maintained a regal, somewhat aloof bearing through it all. He did want want to place inflection on the words which might believe her to believe she was important to him. If she proved unsuitable he would simply find another. For now, Naamah seemed the best bet and he supposed he ought to pursue her as such... And he would begrudgingly admit she was pleasant company. At least, she had yet to irritate him. And after all, it would not be long before he set his children loose to seek their own pursuits, not long before they were looking to bear children of their own. It was time to begin looking to the distant future once again.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!