
Creedance x Xenios Litter

Tiresias I


06-25-2013, 11:25 PM
Name: Maren
Adoptable Number: #2
Gender: Female
Personality: In short, Maren is terribly difficult to get along with. She honestly believes that she is a gift, bestowed on those she comes in contact with. Maren is not above manipulating others to think her intelligent or humorous - in reality, she is neither. She expects the best treatment from others and is prone to lash out when she doesn't get it. Maren must be admired, she must be the center of attention, and she must certainly be the most interesting topic in any conversation. It is difficult for her to listen to much of what others have to say because she is busy trying to think of ways to one-up them in what she says next, even if she has to lie. Underneath the shining exterior though, it's revealed that she has extremely low self-esteem. She also cares little for the feelings of others and takes advantage of "lesser beings" whenever is convenient for her.
The lack of sleep makes her a bit more irritable than she would be without the insomnia. Often, Maren feels extremely tired but she tends to hide appearing as such. She knows that her small stature and low weight make her an easy target for wrongdoers but her family history of illness hints that she might not be such an easy catch.
Appearance: Maren is a small wolf with long, thin legs. Her thick dark-chestnut fur disguises the fact that she is very close to being underweight and the fact that she has very little extra muscle. Even if one were to notice her physical shortcomings, the striking white markings on her face tend to draw their attention to her face. Her icy blue eyes are seemingly empty, although that could be due to lack of sleep. On her right front paw is a white stocking, almost reaching the joint.
Size: Small build, 65 pounds.
Health/Illnesses: Insomnia, Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Extra: N/A
Purchases: N/A