


04-01-2017, 04:24 AM
The appearance of another didn't once cause a stir or rise in the female. Not even his aggressive posturing caused her to rile. Rather instead a soft smile spread over her face, like that of a mother gazing upon her child, though for her it was the tender smile of a healer. She was a herbalist and assumed this behemoth no matter how brazen wouldn't be stupid enough to right out attack a female that smelled of herbs and poultices. To do so would mean in the event he needed one would likely close a door. She neither feared nor disrespected him though. A soft laugh came at his words.

Her own reply was short and filled with a softer tone though there was a hint of amusement at his statement. "Strangers like you, you mean? Without meeting strangers though how can one ever find friends?" her tone was filled with nothing but respect despite that this male was clearly younger than her. Her ears stood upright in his direction. She was well aware of jett opening his eyes and watching the male. She could feel the bristle of him but did nothing but quietly nudge her shoulder into his. It was enough to settle him for now.

She gave a constant pleasant, soft smile as she made to introduce them both. "I'm Zenara Kasai, and this here is my adoptive brother, Jett. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us with your name so we are no longer strangers?" she gave a rise of her brow at her final question. It was the only one she needed an answer to for the moment.