
Healing is the worst part


06-25-2013, 11:57 PM

The day that Eren had been attacked went by faster than Eria had thought. Before she knew it, the pack had gathered to rest in the cave, eager to get some sleep and avoid the dropping temperature. The puppy side of Eria wouldn't have minded playing out in the snow, despite the frozen nips she would get. However, the grown-up side told her to stay in and get some rest. More energy would be needed for the next day.
So now, Eria was dozing, letting the cold temps wrap around her body. The thick fur she was born with was good for keeping her warm, and she was grateful for that blessing her parents had passed down to her. As she was curling up into a tighter ball, she heard a stirring and a soft voice not too far from her. 'Eria, are you still here?' was what made her eyes slowly open. The darkness, which had hit their part of the cave first, consumed Eria and kept her hidden. She knew this was probably why Eren didn't see her firsthand. Now, as Eria yawned and opened her eyes, the light ocean blue color stood out against her fur. Like tiny beacons of light, they roved around the cave and then back to Eren.
The last time Eria had checked Eren over was a couple of hours before. She was getting settled and hoped to get some sleep before the morning arrived. However, she was awake now and that concerned Eria. The dark fae rose and took a couple of steps closer to Eren's laying form. Reclining to her haunches and lowering her front half to meet Eren at eye level, she nodded. "Yes, Eren, I'm here," she said softly. Eria didn't want to wake up the rest of the pack, so her voice didn't carry too far. "Is there anything the matter? If there is, don't be afraid to tell me." Her voice was calm, gentle, and genuine.
