
Sometimes I can't sleep


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-03-2017, 01:52 AM

He watched her, blue eyes glittering with their usual cold look. If anyone lacked empathy and emotion, it was Greed. He simply didn't feel the need to feel. Or maybe he just hadn't found anything in his life to really care about. Sure there was family, but ever since his mother up and left them as young as they were, he just...closed himself off and built impenetrable walls around him. He cocked one ear forward, head tilting slightly as she began to speak, and it was then he understood. Liar had left. Although Greed had no idea that his father had found another mate, and kids with her. His eyes narrowed. Something about that pissed him off, and a guttural growl sounded in his throat. "That asshole..." He hissed, tail lashing.

She went on to say that she was fighting the urge to explore, and truth be told he was unable to really share in that feeling. Yeah, his pack was...well, boring. But he didn't feel the need to roam beyond the lands where he was born. Not yet, at least. He did, however, believe he could achieve more than his sire. He didn't feel the need to prove anything to him. It was more of the fact that he wanted to show his sire that he could be better. "If you want to go, then go. I'm not going to stop you. You left Ivalice with them," He replied with a bitter, cold tone. "And then they left you. So what's stopping you from leaving everything and everyone behind?" He paused for a moment, looking at her as if he were assessing her for one reason or another. "Unless you're expecting me to stop you from going. Honestly, I won't stop you from doing what you want to do. It's your life, your choice. What do I care about what you do?" He wondered how she would react. If she would decide to stay with him, or leave everything behind and never come back. He didn't know if he'd miss her or not, but only time would tell.


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