
a crooked nook



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-03-2017, 02:10 AM

She was debating venturing back across the land bridge again, but she was hesitant. Granted, she probably didn't have any reason to be...after all, she was a very large wolf who probably looked intimidating, but as it was, she was far from it. Not that anyone knew that until she started talking. Honestly, she acted like a shy kid despite her size, but she had yet to come out of her shell after living practically sheltered. She wondered if spending more time with her brothers might pull her out of it, or maybe...No, it's pointless...I'm a lost cause... She sighed as she flicked her ears, rump pressed against the cold ground as she sat. It was weird...on the other side of the land bridge it was warm and hot. Here, it was cold and...wet. She knew it was summer, but for some weird and strange reason, Auster's weather and seasons seemed backwards and completely opposite of what was going on in Boreas. She had decided to stop in the berry grove hoping to maybe find a light snack before finally deciding on whether or not she should go across on her own, but she was disappointed to find that the berried weren't ripe right now.

Blue eyes looked about, a sigh passing her lips as she stood and absentmindedly wandered a bit, hoping that maybe she might be able to find something to munch on before heading out. Wherever that might be, anyway. It wasn't long, however, that she heard a faint sound nearby which caused her to stop in her tracks, audits perked as she stood tall and looked around. Who was that? Cautiously, she searched for the source until she found it. Or rather, him. A smaller brown male, spitting out a strawberry that was not as tasty as he probably thought it might be. She giggled a little at the sight, though inwardly flinched when she realized she had probably just given away her position. Well, too late to hide now..."The berries here aren't ripe yet...but I'm sure you already figured that out." She stepped out from behind some berry bushes, head lowered slightly so she could try to look less tall, though she wasn't even sure if that worked at all. Her voice was soft, sweet...shy. But that's how she always sounded, and she couldn't figure out how to sound any different.

"Talk" "You" Think

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