



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-03-2017, 11:41 AM
Chaos just continued to grin as the healer shifted and babbled nervously. "Maybe it's not her right side I want to meet," he said slowly, as though musing to himself. "Maybe I'm tired of meeting alphas on their right side. Maybe I'm more interested in more important things than... right sides." He lowered his head to her level, still grinning that slightly maniacal grin. "Oh, I'm not so new to the game that I don't understand it. I just think it's a rather silly game. I grew up watching my father rule a pack so far beyond the pitiful mewling things here now that its hardly worth even comparing them. It's pathetic, really. I feel bad for you that you think you need to play by the rules."

He'd have taken another step in, backing her further into her own territory, if another even smaller wolf hadn't joined the healer. He let his mismatched gaze linger to give the newcomer a deliberately obvious once-over from nose to tail, drawing it out lazily despite her threat. Her stance and scent declared her alpha of the pack despite her stature and build. Not particularly someone he'd be wary about offending, but his fun would certainly be ruined if she got a bug up her nose about it and called in more of her pack. Not even he could fight six or more wolves at once.

Finally he turned with a flick of his tail to step barely back outside the boundary and spun to face her. Stopping, he arched his neck to tuck his chin in and stuck his tongue out at her. "Spoilsport."

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write