
You can't spell slaughter without laughter

Pontifex I


06-26-2013, 12:43 AM

Powerful limbs propelled the esquire through the unclaimed lands, paws eating up the dirt like it was nothing as he led his too fellow pack mates back to the scene of the crime. The scent of blood was heavy in the air as he galloped back into the area and he already knew what he would find. Just a body. They had come too late. Pace was slowed as the brute led the way back into the clearing, finding two wolves surrounding the carcass of the woman. They didn't smell like the rogues who had attacked her, and they didn't seem to be eating what was left of her carcass. Had they managed to scare off the rest of the rogues? Her body was horribly disfigured. A limb was missing, her ribcage was completely ripped open, internal organs nowhere to be seen, a strange symbol having been carved into her side. Audits flattened themselves against his skull, gold gaze flickering to the man and woman who were standing beside the carcass. We're too late. He murmured to Switchback and Elphaba, glancing at the two women as they came up beside him. There wasn't much for them to do now, except perhaps take what was left of her body back to Seracia and see if the king could identify her body.

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