
Coming of Age



6 Years
06-26-2013, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2015, 11:47 PM by Alamea.)

Alamea was avoiding looking at the male, for fear that he might see that she was lying, surely it was evident in her eyes. Lying had never been a talent of hers and though normally she prided herself on her truthfulness, now it was painfully awkward and for once in her life she wished she were better at it. The tunnel was still slowly closing in around her, the shadows growing longer around her, fangs and claws of black reaching to trap her, to rip her apart.

She would occasionally glance back up towards the young male, trying to read him to see if he would agree to help her or not. It seemed he was troubled by her response and she berated herself for sounding so foolish. Of course he would wonder about her response, she was old enough that she should know her own pack! Alamea could see the gears turning in the male?s mind; he was sizing her up, trying to figure out what she was hiding.

Her worry reached an all-time high when she caught him frowning. Alamea felt time slowly creepy by as she waited for his reply. "I can get you out of here," Alamea breathed a sigh of relief, at his words, "but you'll have to find your way back to...wherever you're from." Alamea picked up on the doubt in his voice but she brushed it off, she was getting out of here that was what she wanted. "That's fine."

The grey male began to trot away, Alamea watched him go for a minute before following him. He was leading back the way she had started but she could see that he was ever aware of her, he was listening to her, she swore she caught him looking at her but did not think much of it. She was content to observe him as well, though she was falling behind slightly. He seemed to realize and slowed his pace. "So...I know you've forgotten where you live...but do you remember your name?" His words cut through her thoughts, and she bit back a retort. Irritation at his tone made her frown. "My name is Alamea, " Her response was curt and a bit cold. "and you are..? "

"Speech," Thought, you