
fated to pretend


04-04-2017, 04:29 PM

Fortune looks to the man, gaze shining softly. There's something that can't be argued about the way she does things, confident but strange. Disjointed but not all that awful. Tail wagging, moving to her feet. There's a stretch, a low bow, as he agrees to come with her. Her claws scrape against the ground, shaking off the way she rests, the dust that's settled on her fur. Right. Shake the dust off. "Sounds great." Wolfish grin, it won't leave her. Rakish. Her father's daughter.

He's asking, and she forgets... she forgets that she has to explain sometimes. "For catching larger prey when our numbers are smaller. Mostly just decently sized holes in the ground, disguised with leaves and branches and stuff. They'll give way under critters bigger than we are, and either trap or kill whatever falls in. Prey see differently than we do, so no wolves will be in danger." Fortune's words spill forward, and she's trying not to let them get muddy. Men... weren't that different than women, why was she having such a hard time with Rin? She was never this nervous. Still, the brave was trying to keep it from showing. Something about him was different.

"I was thinking over here, by the border, where the kids don't usually go... just in case." She nods, leading the way to one of the more densely wooded areas of the Dancefloor. Best that none of the children get stuck. Children... right. Fortune would have to make sure to bring them all by and show them later, just to be safe. As always, she's thankful she's good with them.

shock & awe