
Etkri's Emporium


04-04-2017, 06:29 PM

Rhea Riccus
the phoenix queen


    She likes being lazy when she can indulge it and taking out her aggressive tendencies when the window of opportunity swings open. While ambition burns deep in her core, she's not stupid and will probably bide her time and play her chips until the circumstances add up before trying anything. Because of the fact she's overwhelmingly alone and without allies to watch her back, she may be more open to cozying up to new acquaintances than she would be normally, but she's not a sucker.
    Interested in throwing her toward Crew, pack-wise.

    Excitement and entertainment. Rhea is a character that excels when presented with challenges and/or an audience, so her boring lifestyle right now is terribly stifling. A risky hunt or dangerous mission or even a partner-in-crime that counters her beautifully would be awesome. Hell, even someone who is directly contrasting to her would be entertaining to rp with.
    On the lookout for Sparring and Hunting partners.

  • Friends: Depending on how picky she can afford to be, Rhea may be quick or hesitant to make 'friends'. Even those she tells are her friends can just be pawns she finds valuable at the time. She keeps all 'friends' happy, though true friends or companions she will take greater risks to ensure their contentedness. Friendship is a fickle concept to Rhea - it's handled more like a mutual business agreement than pure companionship. Very rarely does she break down that wall and let someone in, very rarely
  • Enemies: It is much easier to end up on this list than on the friend's list. Those who slight Rhea or mock/question her capabilities in any sense are automatically thrown here, though she may be subtle in letting you know (if she even does). To these petty fools she is passive aggressive, perhaps playing it cool to their face while going behind their backs to ensure their life is as inconvenient or painful as she can manage. Only those who go so far as to truly insult or infuriate her earn the right to blatantly know just how fucked they are. These sorry bastards are guaranteed to face persistent, active aggression, if not out-right attempts on their lives. 
  • Lovers: She's a tease, to put it frankly. She enjoys the attention and adoration, though a storybook love is not what she has in mind. She strings along anyone she can, and if they're okay with this, she'll string them along further for the fun (though not out of disrespect). Polyamorous and bisexual, she has no boundaries in who she romantically or sexually associates herself with, and while she is highly amused and entertained by jealousy, she will not tolerate anyone trying to persuade or dictate her actions. Getting in her way is a one-way ticket off this list. If anyone wants to truly aim for her heart, they'll have to get used to playing along with her games and hoping for the best, because her ideal partner is a formidable force that both compliments her and provides enough contrast to keep her intrigued.

So uh, any takers?