
Step Lightly


06-26-2013, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:40 AM by Yin.)

The worst was over. Now they just needed to find somewhere safe so they could wash themselves off, hopefully find some kind of sustenance and a comfortable place to sleep. Or at least somewhere where they would be able to defend themselves well enough in case the beast had some buddies or a pissed off mate that decided to come looking for revenge. She really hoped there wasn't. That first beast had been bad enough and she was already torn up pretty bad. If there happened to be another beast lurking somewhere in the dark, waiting to pounce on them, Yin wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to last. She would obviously fight, despite the gashes in her right shoulder, and she wouldn't stop until either she stopped breathing, or the beast did. But for her sake and Hansel's, she prayed that no more beasts would find them that night. Only the gods, if they existed, knew that the pair would need a miracle to survive a second attack.

The pair continued to walk on, the numbing effect of the water beginning to wear off as the blood started circulating through her system. A hiss swept past her clamped jaws as the full force of her injury slammed into her body. Damn, that shit really hurt. Much worse than she would've imagined. But at least she was alive. That was the best thing about the situation at the moment. Agreed. she murmured, picking up her pace to match Hansel's, jaws gritting together in quiet suffering as continuous pain shot up her leg with each step. She really needed to stop moving. This pain was killing her.

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