
Wait, what did you say? More puppies!?


06-26-2013, 01:50 AM
Name: Sparrow
Personality: Sparrow is a calm and level headed individual. She is quite inquisitive and curious as well, always wanting to know everything there is to know about, well, everything! She has a personality that is adored by most, and one that she values greatly! She likes to be around other wolves, be they adults, elders, pups, Alphas, or medics. She likes to go around and help others, learn what she can, and give advice to those that need it. With so much to learn, she has (or will have) quite an extensive knowledge of Alacritis and its inhabitants. She is an adventurous individual that wants nothing more then to learn about the land and be herself. She is quite docile, only fighting when necessary. She has a way with words, preferring to talk and attempt to avoid a fight if possible.

However, when it comes down to it, Sparrow is a fierce opponent. Her claws are very sharp, and with her small frame she is easily able to run and attack with quick nips, bites, or scratches. Her claws are her prized fighting weapons, she refers to them as her "Talons." She is brave, loyal, respective, loves to learn, and will always be a loyal friend for life. No matter where she goes.
Sometimes though, she can be sharp tongued and have a flaring temper when she gets really annoyed. Luckily, she can be very forgiving.
Though sometimes she can also be easily hurt, even if she doesn't admit it.
Eye color: deep green
Pup Number: G or F
Allignment: Neutral Good
RP sample: Sparrow's nose sniffed along the cold ground. Snow trailed on her paws as she looked for her siblings. They had been playing a game of hide and seek. This time, it was her turn to be the seeker. Her parents had gone off on a hunt, so her and her littermates were left by themselves. Today, they'd pass the time by playing. She raised her head, ears perked and tail held high as she listened for any sign of them nearby. Following the trails were easy enough,but once they had gotten closer to the rocks it became harder to find their trail. She hopped on top of the rocks, scenting the air for any sign of them. Hopping down on the other side, a powerful scent had hit her nose. A strange one at that. The gray and white cub hesitated, this scent felt hostile. She didn't know how she knew, but whatever it was, was dangerous. She quickly turned the other way, but what she was faced with was a nightmare. A short bulky creature shuffled towards her, its grey and black mass lumbering at a fast pace. Its teeth were bared, dagger like claws throwing up snow behind it. It charged towards her like a raging bull.

Frozen to the spot, the young pups eyes widened in fear. The animal drew closer, finally she pulled herself out of her fear trance and moved just as the badger struck where she had been standing moments ago. She leaped to the top of the rock she had been on before, and glared down at the creature. Growling, she jumped down on top of it. Talons scoring across its sides as her teeth sought the back of its neck. The beast roared as it shook its head side to side. He lumbered back, Sparrow hung on for dear life. She knew if it got the chance, it'd rip her apart. She lunged forward and snatched up its ear in her teeth. The badger roared in frustration as it shook her off, enraged.
Sparrow landed on her back, quickly flipping over to face her attacker with teeth bared accompanied by vicious snarling. The badger shook its head side to side, thinking. Sparrow stepped forward, challenging the beast. But finally, it backed off. This piece of meat was too much to work for...he didn't want to fight his next meal, so it lumbered off in frustration.
Sparrow had lived to fight another day.