
Strike the Steel, See the Sparks [PYRE]



5 Years
04-05-2017, 09:34 PM

Kai returned to find the woman languishing in the cool water of the stream. He thought about chastising her a second time about poisoning his water supply but... Well, perhaps better not to push his luck. Instead he busied himself with making use of the world around him, responding to her earlier statement as he went. "A fallen god, hmm? It does sound like quite the tale, but seeing as I'd have a hard time filtering between fever-fueled whimsies and fact, another day sounds just as good." He gave her another dry smile, eyes twinkling with mirth he tried not to let into his voice. He surveyed the bank of the stream, looking for flat stones he might use to prepare what he'd gathered. Finding two likely candidates he nudged them gently into the current, hoping to wash away the dust and grime. Satisfied with their sanitation he retrieved the dampened stones and got to work.

He placed his bundle of herbs down, and wriggled out a bit of boneset to sit beside the garlic. He set both together on the larger, flatter stone. The other, slightly rounder, he flicked up over top. Using a paw to press and twist, he did his best to grind the herbs so that their essence would be able to seep into the woman's wounds. He nudged the grinding stone aside and gave the mixture a cautious sniff. Satisfied with what he found there, he turned quickly to the stream side once again, this time to pluck a large, broad leaf of some unknown plant from the bank. Carrying it back to the rock where his poultice sat, he carefully transferred as much of the plant material as he could onto the leaf.

He turned back to the stream one final time. "You could have been wounded in a more convenient place, you know," he began in the same light, slightly teasing tone. "I'm going to do my best to stick this over your wound but I can't promise much, and it won't be pretty." He began to dig up clods of slimy, sticky, clay-based mud from the bed of the stream. "You'd do well to go take a good long nap on it, and take it easy for the next day or so. It it falls off, well... You get what you get, I suppose." Hopefully the boneset would break her fever overnight, if she kept the pseudo-bandage in place, and hopefully the garlic would fight back the infection. Hopefully. He wouldn't kid himself, he knew he wasn't the most experienced fellow she might have run into in these woods. He only hoped it would be good enough. He gave her a wary look, appraising. "This will hurt. Ready?"

"Talk" "You" Think