
Ring around the Alpha



7 Years

04-06-2017, 12:17 AM

Bass glanced at the boys as they followed in behind Storm, a smile on his face as he dipped his head towards them both. Cloud was a pretty reserved child, but he was sure that he would come more out of his shell in time. His golden gaze shifted up towards Storm as she spoke, asking if he wanted to take all five children. Sure it might be a hassle, but he had done the same for his first litter as well. Licking his lips he glanced around at them, a soft hum breaking the silence. "Well if they all want to come, I won't turn them away. It's an important lesson to learn though, children, and if you aren't on your best behaviour I will send you back to your mother. Understood?" His voice was firm, it wasn't something to play around with. Some of the snakes were harmless, but others could kill them with one bite. If a puppy spat broke out, he wouldn't hesitate to direct them back to the den. Plus now that they were out and about, he needed to make sure that they knew what was safe and what was potentially deadly.

After introducing himself, each pup spoke up and stated their names. He knew full well what they were called, but it warmed his heart to hear their little voices piping up to tell him so. Well, all except for Cloudburst. He looked at the white and black male, seeing that his gaze was right on him as well. He blinked a few times at the pause, giving him more room to answer. Bass understood being shy, he wouldn't push him just yet. But he also needed to learn that in a position such as Bass held, any question must not go unanswered. It might be hard for these kids just like it was his own, while he wasn't their sire he was stepping up slightly into the role. His children had all struggled to draw the line between dad Bass and alpha Bass. Would these ones feel the same?
