
Love Is Not A Weakness [Meeting]



7 Years

04-06-2017, 01:36 PM

Slowly, members started to trickle in. Each wolf who came up got a dip of his head, a smile still on his lips. Storm's children were some of the first to come, his tail thumping on the ground a few times as they took their seats. When Aella's question came he chuckled softly, his patient eyes finding the young female. "It's a meeting, little one. Just sit tight for now, okay?" One by one they came in, but when Dart made his way to a seat he eyed his friend in alarm. It wasn't hard to see that the fox was down, he knew him well enough to see that he was faking it. His smile faded, ears pulling back ever so slightly as his gaze stayed trained on him. Bass wasn't about to call him out in a meeting, but he tucked it away to seek out the bushy tailed critter later.

A few members came in late, but he didn't comment on it. With the heat they had all been a little slow, and Bass was determined to keep his mood up. Harmony came and sat beside him, pressing into him gently. Leaning down to nuzzle her ear, he placed a kiss on the top of her head before looking out at the wolves gathered. He took note of those missing, Liviana, Renhett, Lyre, Chanel. The four females scents had been a wisp at best, most of their dens growing stale already. He let out a soft sigh, but made no other comment on it. Wolves constantly came and went, he would have just liked to know in advance. But four out of his large number... well he couldn't complain about that.

Licking his lips, a grin reappeared on Bass' face as he cleared his throat, the gentle spray of the river on his back cooling his overheated coat. "Thank you everyone for showing up tonight. I know that summer has been hard on us all, the heat has kept us all feeling rather lazy. Hopefully with autumn on the way we will all be a bit more productive, mmm?" His tone was teasing, it wasn't like he had been on top of calling meetings and trainings anyways. "To start us off, I would like to welcome Storm's five pups into the world. They are growing fast and fiercely, I doubt they will be without mentors for long. Children, you need to start thinking about what path you'd like to follow and let me know so I can start thinking about mentors for you." He looked at all the pups, scattered around the semi-circle. "Abaven, please welcome Aella, Corentine, Derecho, Cloudburst and Tyranis." Pausing, he allowed the little ones to stand as their names were called, his heart warming as he finally welcomed pups again. The last had been his last litter, and Qualm and Quake. Goodness, had it really been that long?

Moving right along, he turned his gaze to the older members of the pack. "I am on the look out for wolves to step up and take the lead in some of the roles. I am not too proud to admit that I need help, I cannot constantly call for a training in every rank. Prima Guardia, Prima Guarire, Prima Pattuglia, and Prima Medico all need wolves to claim the title. It would be expected of you to at least call a training a season, as well as be on the lookout for mentors and apprentices to assure that they are being taught well and properly. They will report directly to me on how everyone is doing and let me know when a rank up is needed. I can no longer look after every single rank, a lot of you have been holding well to your duties and I could use the extra paws. Please step forward now if you think that you can fit these roles. You will be put on trail of a season, if I find that you are not taking care of your tasks, I will replace you." Bass' voice was level and calm, his shoulders rolling as he left room for wolves to come forward. It was getting too hard for him to look out for them all and wolves were often forgotten about because of this.

"Speaking of apprentices, I believe that our current apprentices have been in training long enough. Merlin, Sandpiper, and Quake, you are all now an official member of your ranks. If you still want training from your current mentors, I am sure they won't mind. This means that I fully expect you to keep up with your roles." Bass smiled at the three of them, his tail moving across the ground behind him. Was that all for now? He believed so. This was the first meeting in a long time that he didn't have to berate wolves, it was... nice. Nice and normal for once in his life. However, he didn't like all the glum looks on a few members features. Blowing out a sharp huff, he stood up and gently pushed away from Harmony. "I know that times have been tough. I know that I haven't been the best leader at times. We've had a hard year, all of us. But I am always here, no matter what the reason. My ears are always open if you need something to get off your chest, and I will help you the best that I can. We're a family, all of us. If we can't be here for each other... well then what's the point in all of this? Abaven may not be the strongest or loudest pack, but I believe that we are the most united. If you feel differently, then perhaps you are not using all the outlets that we have here for each other." The Primo's voice took on a more strong note, his words packing more of a punch as he gazed at each and every one of his members gathered before him. He knew that some struggled with feeling as one, but he could feel it all in the air. It might be a bit sappy, but hell, it was true.

ooc// Wow that was a nice meeting. xD Sorry for the wait! Second round is mandatory and due by the 14th. You MAY exit in your second post. <3

"Talk" "You" Think