
Your Destruction


06-26-2013, 02:51 AM
Dragon wants this puppy :D It's my type of charrie hehe ^_^

name: Sephiroth

design: yours

gender: Male

personality: Sephiroth, at first glance, seems cold and detached, as if he does not particularly care about anything. But in reality, he is simply unused to the kind of social interaction most people have all their lives. One may assume that he is fairly emotionless but Sephiroth is just good at concealing what he feels to protect himself from harm. He avoids opening up to people immediately to prevent himself from being vulnerable. Anyone wishing to make friends with him will have something of a fight on their hands but anyone persistent and openly friendly will have a decent chance at getting through Sephiroth's shell.

Sephiroth is very intelligent although he has been viewed as a mindless soldier due to the way he follows orders. However, he is far from mindless and stupid. He can also be quite stubborn, especially when it comes to revealing something about himself that he doesn't want to. Anything he reveals to others is either of his own volition or has been somehow forced out of him - although it takes a lot to force anything out of Sephiroth.

not required but encouraged: Not sure what this means...?

RP sample with said character: Sephiroth sat in silence as he watched his siblings roll across the ground, attacking each other to and fro. He had thought about joining, but the last time he had he got in trouble for biting too hard. His siblings sometimes kept him out of their games because he was too rough sometimes...but it was fine. It was something he was getting used to now. The shunning, the loneliness, the outcast in his own family. His piercing eyes gazed through the pelts of his siblings, watching. He felt an emptiness inside his chest, accompanied by a hollow feeling within his very soul. Turning away, he stood and stalked away towards the den. There he lied within the shadows, gaze returning to his family once more.

He watched and thought. What made him so different from them? Why did they treat him like he was so different? Sure his coat was much different, but they all bore the same bloodlines, the same parents, the same heritage. Why then, did he feel hated sometimes? When he walked around, he could feel the cold glare of other wolves burn into his fur. Their piercing glares seeping into his soul. He had no friends, only himself. And the rare times he actually did get to play with his siblings was short lived until someone complained that he was too rough...He sighed. One day, he'd find somewhere where he belonged. He wanted to find love. But never would he admit that to anyone. Sighing, he crept out of his den and towards the trees, away from the hostile air. The boy wanted a friend more then anything, someone to confide in. To share stories with. To just be himself with...but he didn't see that happening. Not soon anyway.

The lonely kid wandered into the forest. The only sounds that surrounded him were those of the birds, bugs, creeks, and the soft crunch of brittle leaves under his paws. This was what he knew. The laughter of his siblings died down the farther he got, though it seemed nobody had noticed that he left. His amber eyes searched the undergrowth for signs of life. Bracken moved slightly, so the black shadow stopped. He waited, glare never leaving the area of motion. Pretty soon, a mouse scampered out, a seed clutched in its paws. Its whiskers twitched as it began to bite into the seed, unaware of the still presence watching him.
Within seconds, he rushed forward to his unsuspecting victim.

how your character could enhance plot lines: Oh, he'd be VERY good with plot lines. He's from the dark side, expect alot. Especially since this guy is trying to find himself in the world and where he belongs, yes lots of plots in my head already hehehe ;)

how active can you be with him/her: I'm on ALL day, EVERY day! ;D (Literally from the moment I wake up till I sleep which is SUPER late since I have no life TT_TT)