
Step Lightly


06-26-2013, 04:11 AM

The great gray beast stopped. They had gone some distance into the forest, well away from the salt water and its stinging air. Away from the dead carcass of their nightmarish attacker, who became their victim. The pair had fought valiantly, but at a price. They had been walking on pained stilts for what seemed like forever. Considering that neither seemed to be able to walk any faster then they already were. In fact, he noticed that their pace had grown painfully slow. And that wasn't the only thing that was painful...his wounds began to hurt him more now that his fur was drying. The waters chilling effects began to seep away from his bones, only to be replaced by burning and painful motions. Each step he took hurt him. That monsters claws were like hooked daggers, it had torn through fur, flesh, and muscle. Nearly to his bones. His body weakened, Hansel began to feel...dizzy. He had lost a lot of blood during his previous fight with the beast, and then another had ensued not long after.

If he did not find help soon, there was a probability that his body would go into shock. He could sense the impending danger approach, it was not the first time he had been close to it. The only difference was, last time his sister was with him and she knew exactly what to do. Hansel, however, didn't. Typical of him, never paying attention to what his sister did to save his own skin. The brute glanced at Yin...he couldn't save her skin either if he passed out now. After a moment, he paused. His stance remained still, the only movements belonging to his head and ears. He detected something not far off. And even through his festering muzzle wound, he could scent it...water. Fresh water at that! Winter was drawing to a close soon, and then Spring would come. Bringing with it, lots of green, prey, and possible floods...big ones too considering how much it snowed so much this year.

He looked at Yin, a look in his eyes that bestowed encouragement to the young female. He knew she was just as tired as she, and in equal pain if not more. "You can smell that can't you? There's water nearby. Come on."He continued to walk, as painful as he was, across a clearing towards a rocky outcrop. He made sure he wasn't moving too fast for the girl, just enough to lead a little. He brushed his tail to her left leg, avoiding touch on her right side. Once he reached the rocks, it was soon apparent that water did exist here. Just at the edge was a stream with a shallow pool, at the edge of it was cool ground untouched by snow thanks to the shelter of the rocks. He slowly and carefully led the way down.

Speech, Thought, Actions, You