

Oleander I


4 Years
04-07-2017, 03:10 AM

Cause we're counting on stars

Now that the sun had calmed down a bit, the speckled wolf found it a lot easier to traverse the lands. It had been too hard to keep his crops well enough watered, he had lost a lot of his stock. Not wanting to lose anything more, he had been storing all the seeds that he could for now. But what he was really after was something that he had never tried to grow before. Mushrooms. He had been studying them for quite some time, and they could be grown all year round. Hearing whispers of a glowing fungi, he just had to check it out for himself. So with Cedar in tow, he headed towards the caves. Hopefully he was following the right lead, but regardless it wasn't that hard to find seeds anywhere. The west was a bit more barren, but that made it all more challenging. Keeping his teal eyes peeled, Oleander moved comfortably under the autumn sun. It was still warm on his back, but it wasn't the unbarring heat that last season had been. This made things a heck of a lot easier for both him and his brother, and for that he was grateful.

It wasn't hard to spot the cave in question, glowing blue 'shrooms sticking out of the gaping maw of rock. The jackal was the first to notice it, a high pitched bark turning Ollie's head towards it. A grin took over his features as she trotted over, sticking at his nose to stiff at the odd fungi. "How are we going to get it domum, home?" Came his soft voice, directing his question at the other canine. This is when he wished he had a satchel like Peregrine, it would have made it a lot more simple. Oleander didn't know enough about this species to feel comfortable carrying it in his maw, but neither did he want to walk away. Maybe there was something inside that could help them. Nodding Cedar forward, the two of them entered the cave.

Both jackal and wolf blinked rapidly to adjust to the darkness, but it didn't take as long as it would without the gentle glow of the mushrooms on the wall. It really was quite amazing, and Ollie would give anything to study them more. Letting out a soft whine, he shifted from paw to paw as he eyed a smaller one. It would be the perfect sample. "I could tentant, try. Just with one," he whispered, his odd habit of mixing Latin and the common tongue not even dropping for his kin. But Cedar sharply shook his head, growling before muttering that it wasn't safe. The gray man sighed and took a seat, he knew that much. But this was just so perfect, he didn't want to pass it up...


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.