
Love Is Not A Weakness [Meeting]


04-07-2017, 09:46 AM
Her grin stayed on her face when he answered and she obeyed; although she had a thousand questions others had begun to arrive and it stole her attention. She noticed Tyranis brush past her and a slight scowl formed on her brow at him. But her eyes turned to the grace of her sister, Corentine, and her mother Storm. She breathed in Corentine's calming scent and greeted her in an excited whisper, "Hi!" She was slightly put-out by Derecho going to sit next to others, and jealous that she hadn't thought of it. But it was too late to move so she stood where she was, glancing at Derecho, Tyranis and Cloudburst, leaning against Corentine.

Bass - the Primo - watched them all as they arrived and spoke up. His voice was loud but gentle; commanding their attention in the best way. She watched with wide chestnut eyes and nodded as he spoke, as if she knew what he was talking about. She puffed up with pride when he mentioned the five pups - them! to the whole pack and her tail wagged behind her, shaking up dirt around everyone. She blinked with plain curiousity... What was there to choose from? How would she know? What was she going to be?! She wanted to ask but something held her back and she managed to hold it in throughout the rest of the meeting. She felt a pang of envy at the previous litter; who had been rewarded with full ... hood. Something. Pass? They passed whatever it was they had gone through. She didn't even know what roles she could be yet! But she admitted that the wolves gathered all had a certain elegance that said they deserved it.

She was moved by his closing speech and swallowed a lump in her throat, glancing at her family. She loved them all but felt... Confused. How come sometimes it felt more like they were five warring clans than an allied unit? She glanced at them feeling a flicker of shame. Perhaps it was her fault... She had not really spent much time with Corentine, Cloudburst, or Derecho... And then there was Ty; a whirling hurricane, the brother she wanted to want her. So many emotions bubbling already within the young pup's heart, trying to discern what the word family truly meant.