

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
04-07-2017, 02:09 PM
Lykos wasn't actually too far behind his brother, but he decided to take his time, enjoy the solitude before the confrontation with his other brother began. He wasn't looking forward to it - and parts of him just wanted to nope right out of it and leave again... but he knew he couldn't do that. His priorities may have changed, his care may have changed, but he still had some semblance of honor left, and he would not break that promise to Gryphon.

He was, however, feeling particiularly miffed by the trail Gryphon left behind. Or, perhaps miffed wasn't the right word. He was certainly amused... perhaps a little indignant? Gryphon feeling the need to make the trail so obvious that he could be blind and still find his way. Lykos huffed quietly to himself, a ghost of a smile on his face, though that was wiped away in a moment by Gryphon's howl.

He was close, super close to the border now. He figured it take at least a few minutes before Dragon arrived, but he did hurry his pace - besides, he was still amused by the trail. Arriving did take a bit longer than he expected, but he arrived in mildly good time, and he was blinking and yawning when he arrived. "You know, dear brother, I may not be as good a tracker as you, but even-" he cut himself short when he spotted Dragon, and the teasing ended before it even began. The amusement, the almost contentedness, and the slight relaxation vanished in less than a second, and what was left was a wolf with a cold demeanor. His eyes were wary and distrusting, his body tense and not afraid of a fight - not provoking one in the least, but ready, if he were attacked. "Dragon." The difference in tone was astonishing: what was before teasing, amiable, and friendly had now turned into something flat, cold and curt... but that, of course, was the relationship between the two, too.