
Burst and Bloom [Bass]



7 Years

04-07-2017, 02:19 PM

He kept his steps small and at a pace that the pup could keep up with easily. He didn't want to drop too far behind as he fell into the familiar path of their borders. After all these years there was a noticeable path that followed the scent markers, a comforting feeling on his pale paws. It was so automatic now that he could do this in his sleep, he had to remind himself a few times that there was a little one following him. He paused to re-add his scent to the boundary line, peeking over to see if Ty saw what he was doing. Rubbing up against the trunks, raising his leg against scrubs. Tossing a smile over his shoulder at the boy, he moved on at their steady pace. The giggles from him made his heart swell, Bass couldn't even begin to describe what it was like to be doing this again. He could very well be the pups grandfather, but that didn't take any of the fun out of it. Besides, not many of his kids expressed interest in learning what he did. Maybe it was because they had felt more torn, and with everything that was happening with Wren he didn't blame them. Licking his lips at the thought of her name, he shoved the thoughts aside before they tarnished his mood.

When Tyranis asked a question, he turned his golden eyes towards the trees to see the changing colour. It wouldn't be long before autumn struck the lands, hopefully taking some of the heat with it. Bass fell into step beside the whelp, looking down to nuzzle the top of the head. "It's what happens when the seasons change. In the summer, there is enough sunlight and water to keep the trees well fed. In autumn it starts to get colder, so the leaves change colour before they fall from the trees. In the winter, the tree has no more leaves so it can have a rest in the harsh season. When spring comes, little buds start to grow and they grow their leaves all over again. You can always tell the season by looking at trees like this," Bass explained as they walked, pointing his nose towards an evergreen that was standing proud and tall. "Trees with spiky needles like that never lose their leaves like the others, which is why we call them evergreens, because they are forever green." He loved the curious minds of children, and hoped that he would be able to answer anything that came up.
