



8 Years

Trick 2019
04-07-2017, 07:52 PM

As his call echoed, muffled by the greenery, Gryphon settled himself on his haunches to wait. His face was set in a very serious expression, face and body and eyes alike as still and blank as though he'd been carved from stone. He wondered which brother would show up first, and for a moment was almost thankful he hadn't managed to find Kharnage on his journey after all. From what he got from Lykos, just Dragon and Lykos together had too much potential to explode in his face, let alone adding his seemingly perpetually-angry other brother to an already volatile mixture. He couldn't help but wonder though, in the time while he waited, where Kharnage was and what he was up to.

It turned out that Dragon would win the race he didn't even know he was in. Gryphon's forest-green eyes snapped to his brother as Dragon's cinnamon form appeared through the grass. Ok, awkward wait it was. His muzzle opened to answer Dragon, but snapped shut again as his gaze zeroed in on the creature following behind Dragon. Jaguar!

Gryphon's eyes darkened and he leaped to his paws, but the snarl of warning died before it even left his throat as he realized that the jaguar wasn't stalking Dragon - it was heeling him much in the same way his mother's bird companion always seemed to follow her lead. Still, Gryphon continued to stare with distrustful, narrowed eyes at the cat, one fang bared still in warning.

But Dragon had asked him a question, so Gryphon dragged his attention, or part of it, from the cat. "I went back up north months ago to look for Kharnage and Lykos," he began, then the rustle of pawsteps from behind him caught his attention. Lykos' voice bantered cheerfully a moment before cutting off with abruptness.

With a sigh that was mostly internal, Gryphon pivoted and backed a step to bring both brothers into his field of vision. "I brought Lykos back with me," he told Dragon, his inflection very carefully neutral, as his eyes passed between his two very different siblings. Carefully neutral, so as to not betray the irritation he felt with the both of them. The whole situation could have been avoided if his family didn't insist on acting like a gaggle of toddlers. "The three of us need to talk about this 'prisoner' nonsense."
