
Summer Nights



6 Years
04-07-2017, 08:16 PM

She had never had trouble sleeping, and she had always been able to spend the night snuggled in the den. Her first summer made her and her siblings drift apart in the den, because it would get way to hot to cuddle. That hadn't even disturbed her slumber, but tonight she wasn't sure what had. She couldn't sleep and had grown vary restless. So she slipped out, careful not to wake her family as she did so. She had walked for some time before her paws led her to the thicket. She had found herself a rather open area where she then flopped on her rump and looked up at the large full moon.

Since the pack meeting the young mind had been pondering on what she wanted to learn, what she eventually wanted to do for the pack. What options were there? She knew about being a healer, since her mother was one, but what else was there? The young girl was curious at the options and her thoughts had been traveling to this quite often. A loud sigh passed her lips as she gazed at the large moon and studying it with curiosity. It was so cool now that the sun had went down and it felt so relieving to the pup. Just then a small flash of light lit up beside her and she jumped whipping her head in the direction.

Then another lit up to her left scaring her again and making her growl. She backed up and looked around to see many tiny lights lighting up then disappearing again. What the heck were these things? Moving forward a little she stopped as a bug landed on her nose, crossing her eyes to look at the bug before it's butt lit up looking exactly like the other little lights. It amazed her young mind and made her tail wag with happiness.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag