
Good day for death to strike



06-26-2013, 06:22 AM


Cross was recently returned from his sojourn into the south. Oh the sights he had seen! The adventures he'd had! It had been a blast! He was happy to be home and all - back safe in the old cave - but from now on his soul would be smoldering with a hunger for adrenaline and adventure. On this day, Cross was playing with his elected babysitter - whenever she sat down he was quick to rush over on his big black paws and start hopping back and forth over her tail. 'Hop-snake' he wanted to call it. It was quite fun. Already he'd tried it on his mother - which had gotten extra exciting when she started trying to snap at his ears. Was that after the tenth time she'd asked him to stop? Or was it the twentieth? He couldn't remember.

And whatever he did in the cave, whether it was 'hop-snake' or trying to climb the walls, he was spouting out a torrent of story-telling about his time in Seracia. "And the king-! The king is friends with an eagle! Yeah I know! And eagle just like the big black and white ones we see nesting in the trees in summer. Her name was Robin and we talked a bunch. At one point-" but he paused, cut off when he saw that Ithurial was leaving. Rude. He'd been about to get to the best part.

But then he saw what she was doing. She looked so silly trying to gather in the snow, but when she 'poofed' it into the air, Cross sprinted over and started snapping at the flakes. He grinned wide and let some of them settle over his pelt. "Ithurial? Can we go on a walk? Maybe down into the forest? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaase." There were lots of other fun things to do outside!
