
Summer Nights



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-08-2017, 07:53 AM
Then they went on to say the pearly gates

Brandr had finished digging himself a den in the safe closeness of the Rustling Thicket and had been doing his best to fall asleep. The hours stretched by as he tossed and turned, unable to quite get comfortable. He wasn't really sure why. He supposed it was just the unfamiliarity of it all. He'd just joined Abaven and there was so much going on with him emotionally, the excitement, the nerves. There were so many new smells and things to explore. He wanted to fit in and do well and argh!

Brandr rolled onto his belly as thoughts continued to vibrate around in his head. Maybe a nice walk in the cool air would be good for him? Stretching he slipped… slowly out of his den. Ack… he was going to need to widen the entrance a bit. He was nearly fully grown and shaping into a massive brute. The moon was bright and full and it glittered down over him and he wondered if that wasn't part of the reason he was having trouble sleeping.

As he travelled he caught the scent of one of his packmates. Oh? Was someone else having trouble sleeping? He moved toward the scent and when he came to a clearing he saw a young girl with a black and silver coat who was staring intently at a the fireflies that were glowing and twinkling about them, having one last fling before the cool air of fall managed to pierce through summer's heat. He wasn't sure if there was a way for him to introduce himself without startling her so he just went for it. "Uh, hi there… I take it you can't sleep either? Shouldn't you be back with your mother?"

had such elegant graffiti