
Strike the Steel, See the Sparks [PYRE]



5 Years
04-08-2017, 08:27 PM

Ankaios was starting to worry about just how far the fever had taken the woman. She seemed perfectly sane uttering some sentences, and entirely inebriated during others. That, and the fact that she seemed to be hinting at... another meaning to her words left him bemused and slightly concerned. For the moment, he was very much the calculating physician who had detached everything but his mind from the situation at hand. He gave her a dry chuckle, and asked lightly, "Is that so?" She went on to mock her tendency to inconvenience others and he was forced to laugh again. "My lucky day," he mused.

As he was putting the finishing touches on his pseudo-bandage she asked after his home, and he hummed quietly. "Never fear, my docile maiden," he intoned, giving her a subtle wink. "I am a member of Talis, though the lands we hold rest to the west. Do you know of the castle, and the sweeping plains on it's northern edge? I'm a bit far from home at the moment. I've only recently joined and I'm afraid my den is sorely lacking stock at the moment." He knew he would have many long moons ahead of him, seeking and gathering, drying and storing herbs and other materials. It would be an endeavor for sure, and he lamented his lack of apprentices for the umpteenth time. He really would have to talk to Dragon about finding a few helping paws. "Now, could you lay on your other side and hold still for just a moment?" he murmured, gently clasping the leaf of his would-be poultice between his teeth. He held the edge gingerly, propping it up with the top of a forepaw. He hobbled, swiveling so that he faced Pyralis and got as close as he could. He felt heat pouring off of the woman's body.

Carefully, slowly, he positioned the leaf so that her could press it exactly over the woman's wounds. His ground herbs seemed to press directly into the gash on the fore of her shoulder. He waited a breath to see if she would recoil from the pressure or the likely stinging contact of herb and open wound. He backed off for just a moment, hoping gravity would hold the lead in place while he scooped up a glob of mud with his other paw. Quickly, but careful, he spread the sticky mud over the leaf and into her fur. "Give this a moment to dry in place, and then go find a nice sunny patch to sleep in for a few hours." He gave her another long glance, trying to discern her mental state and whether or not she had understood. She really was an impressive woman, and he admired the strength so obviously hidden in her sickened frame, not that he would admit it to her.

"Talk" "You" Think