
Care for a swim?(Eren)


06-26-2013, 09:26 AM
The cream colored man had finally decided to wander away from his pack to do some actual exploring. Due to the cool weather he chose the Hot Springs. Sure his fur was thick, but because it was such a light color the cool are still bugged him when he lay down to relax. To top it off he was by no means an insulated wolf but rather a stocky wolf yet he still had a body for speed as he wasn't overly muscular.

A smile crawled across the man's lips when the springs came into view. Never before had he seen anything like it. Water shot from the ground and then flowed into crescent shaped pools, some looking much deeper than others and then the rocks changed colors as the angle he looked upon them changed. It was easily the second most beautiful thing his emerald green eyes had ever seen.

He checked each of the pools out before finding one that he could lay and have everything but his head submerged. By the scent of the water he knew not to drink any of it. On the side of said chosen pool Luke found a warm rock to lay his head on as he relaxed in the warm waters that never cooled. It didn't take but a few seconds for him to get comfortable enough to close his eyes and let his other senses tell him when another was close enough for him to care.