
A frozen Waste


02-19-2013, 09:46 AM
Thane nodded as she told him that she was glad she had met him and that she had a new family now to focus on. The brute smiled as he nuzzle her before he started to walk as well. She did notlift up her feet but he did, it was just instinct for him. It was funny how on that snowy starry night the two wolves had just thought of each other as just friends andnothing more.To look back to that and look back up ahead to now there would be a difference. It wasn't a bad one but a good one. He walked beside Ookami as they troughed through the snow. Cyril flew ahead above them and they were on their way to land. This was a great day because they ad made it one, if they kept this up there would be plenty more great days to enjoy ahead. Of course they both had to getto know each other more but there would be time and right now it seemed as if they had all the time in the world.

SNow gently began to fall as it fell ever so slightly. It was almost a mist of snow but the tiny snowflakes wouldn't last long. Each one fell one by one. Somemelted as soon as they hit the brute's coat but all but two. They were the ones who had survived; and now they needed each other to stay alive as well, together.

OOC:Ok Ro I think this is a good place to end the thread and if you're ok with it I can start a new one since they already reported to Valhalla and stuff. But if you want to continue I can continue ^^ I'll just start a new one somewhere and send you the link then.