
Forever Young



5 Years
04-09-2017, 10:04 AM

He had left before the sun had thought about raising from it's bed. He had plans today, scouting a nearby territory for prey, it would be soon time to call another pack hunt which he had hoped would be a much better turnout this time. The last hunt he had called had failed miserably and he had felt like a failure again. He was wondering that now his rank had been raised if more pack members would be inclined to come to his call. Maybe he needed to figure out a new approach to things and maybe he should talk to Leo about it. He was sure his Uncle would have some sort of idea to boost attendance. They couldn't take down big game without a few wolves.

He had traveled to Redbud Nook looking for a herd of larger prey to track so that when the time came he would have a herd to hunt. It had taken him a lot less time to get to the territory and instead of trying to track them while they were bedded down Jackson decided that he would wait until the sun came up. So the male found himself a comfortable spot and laid down, with his back against one of the trees. Yawning the male allowed himself to relax as he waited for the sun to rise. He was unaware of the small pup nearby nor was he close enough to hear the pups snoring. Where he sat it was fairly peaceful. Laying his head down the male closed his eyes to snooze until the sun came up. It was roughly about an hour before the sun started to rise, but Jackson didn't get up until a little later when the morning sun was lighting everything up.

Only then did it stir the male from his slumber making him stir and stretch. He stood up and shook out his coat before looking around and deciding where to start. His nose was able to pick up a water source nearby and he felt that would be the best place to start to look for tracks of prey animals so he could find the herd. So he picked up his pace heading towards the water source. It took him merely minutes to reach the water and there the male dropped his head looking for tracks and for the scent of prey.

"Talk" & 'Think"

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[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]